Every Person Matters
There is an old expression that holds a lot of truth in today’s world. It says, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” This expression becomes evident when one visits a yard sale, searches various online auction websites, or visits a thrift shop.
These places are a proverbial gold mine for some and a dumping ground of unwanted items for others. The person who has a yard sale and sells that box of old baseball cards which has been collecting dust in the attic along with a bunch of other old junk for the past 20 years may be happy because he is uncluttering his life. The person who decided to buy them just for kicks to see if there were any “good ones in there” is even happier when the latest edition of the Beckett Baseball card guide tells him that he can retire early.
The same thing is true of an individual. Sometimes, as human beings, we are just a bit like those baseball cards. Sometimes we’ve been collecting dust for a while, or perhaps we just seem like we’re always in the way. If we ever start to feel this way, or if we know of anyone else who does. It is important to remember two things.
First, no matter who we are in this world, our lives affect the lives of others, and the most ironic thing about this life is that we may never know which lives those are until we pass from here into eternity. You may have a profound impact on anyone from a coworker to the young lady who delivers your favorite drink at the local coffee shop you visit every morning. Just the fact that you are there to provide some consistency to their otherwise chaotic life and ever-changing life may bring them the hope that they need to make it through another day.
The poem, “No Man is an Island,” which was written by John Donne during the 1600’s, reminds us of this truth. Every human life is connected in some way. We all have something to offer those around us and it is sad when individuals fail to recognize this. Unfortunately, sometimes, instead of seeing the potential and value they have as a person, some have considered the option of suicide, not realizing how many people around them will be left with feelings of guilt because they did not see it coming. Although the person who considers this action may feel that they are relieving a burden from both themselves as well as their loved ones, some surviving family members and friends have spent the rest of their life anguished with guilt because of it. Donne summarized this sentiment very well when he said, “Any man's death diminishes me, Because I am involved in mankind, And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee.”
The second thing to remember is that while we are all loved, respected, and valued by other human beings, the love that God has towards us is infinitely greater. He loved all of mankind so much that He sent his only begotten son so that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. This is the simple truth found in John 3:16. Just a short time ago, we celebrated Easter to commemorate the payment which Christ made on the cross for our sins. All we have to do is accept it. As we go throughout our daily lives, we should try to remember that we matter to those around us, and make it a point to be certain that those around us know that they matter to us as well. Just knowing that their life matters to another single human being on this earth may be all it takes to bring someone, who believes they have no other options, back from the edge and put them on the road to recovery. And remember that if someone is beyond the help that you are able to give them, there is always somewhere else to get them the help they need.
David H. Troyer