Sunday, December 27, 2009

December 1, 2009

Baby is a little over five months old now. It is amazing how much she has changed in just a few short months.

I am currently taking Church History I through Liberty University.

I am also still working on a second poetry book and a couple of other projects.
Please continue to check back for more updates.
Daivd H. Troyer :)

August 7, 2009

Baby is almost two months old now. She is doing well.

My first class through Liberty University is almost over. I have the rest of this week and all of next week in order to get all of my assignments finished. I also have to take my final exam next week.

I am also working on a second poetry book and I'm still working on a couple of other projects, although I have not had much time to work on them.
Please continue to check back for more updates.
Daivd H. Troyer :)

July 17, 2009

Baby is a little over a month old.
I am taking classes through Liberty University.

I am also working on a second poetry book and I'm still working on a couple of other projects.

Please continue to check back for more updates.
Daivd H. Troyer :)

June 17, 2009

We are about to bring baby home. I am packing up the car and we are taking care of the last minute details.

Please continue to check back for more updates.
Daivd H. Troyer :)

June 15, 2009

Baby was born this morning!

It was a long, hard labor, but my wife said that it was all worth it when baby came.
Like her father, she was born in the Tampa Bay Area.

Thankfully, the cord for our laptop came so we could post on here and some other places online.

Please continue to check back for more updates.
Daivd H. Troyer :)

June 9, 2009

Baby was due due yesterday. We are still waiting for her arrival.
All I need is a call and I am ready to head to the hospital.
The cord for our laptop should be here soon.

We ordered it on Sunday and they told us that they were going to ship it right away.
Hopefullythe baby and the laptop cord will both be here soon.

We need the laptop cord so that we can use it to
post pictures of baby for family and friends when she is born.
Otherwise we'll have to wait several days until we leave the hospital.
Please continue to check back for more updates.
Daivd H. Troyer :)

June 8, 2009

Baby is due Today!
Please keep us in your prayers as we wait for our prescious little one to come into this world.
Please continue to check back for more updates.
Daivd H. Troyer :)

June 7, 2009

Baby is due Tomorrow!
The Baby's room is finished and our bags are packed. We've been ready for baby for about two weeks now.

Also, for those who don't know yet, I am now working for Chic-Fil-A. (I may go back to teaching someday, but for right now, I want to enjoy some time with my family.)
I've been having computer problems lately. The computer I am currently working on keeps giving me the infamous "Blue Screen of Death," and my laptop's cord just broke. When I get the new laptop cord, which I just ordered, I will try to record some of my poems and put them on Sample Poems page.
Please continue to check back for more updates.
Daivd H. Troyer :)

June 2, 2009

Baby is due one week from yesterday. From what the doctors have been telling us, she is pretty close to coming.

I am working on several projects right now. One of them is for Make It Clear. Another book I am working on is my second poetry book. The plan is that this book will have some of the poems which were going to be in All Roads Lead to Rhyme. I am also adding some other poems which I have been working on lately.
Please continue to check back for more updates.
Daivd H. Troyer :)

May 16, 2009

My wife and I were able to go to Disney for her birthay. MGM (The new Hollywood Studios) was great. Our baby is due on June 8th. This will be our first child and we are very excited.

We just finished painting the baby's room. The onlyh thing left to do is rearrange the furniture and put up the border. Her bedroom has a Winnie The Pooh Theme.
Also, after twelve years of working at Target part-time, I recently quit working there so that I would have more time to spend with my family.

Please continue to check back for more updates.
Daivd H. Troyer :)

March 29, 2009

I just finished my CNA training class. I will be my clinical hours over the next few weeks.
I will try to update my site in the next few weeks.
Thank you for checking back.
Daivd H. Troyer :)

September 25, 2008

Time sure flies!
It seems like just yesterday when I wrote on here.

Also, please excuse the missing pictures. I just switched servers and I lost them. I have to look through my old computer to find some of the files I am missing.
Daivd H. Troyer :)

August 18, 2008

I had a wonderful summer. We just switched servers, so the website may not have pictures for a little while.

I went to Pennsylvania to visit some family and to attend a wedding.

I also went to Metropolis. In Metropolis, we got to see Noel Neill again. We got to meet Allison Mack.

School started for me on August 6th. I am teaching English I, II, IV, Physical Science, Biology, and Physical Education this year.

So far, it has been a pretty good year.
I am also the Dean of Students this year as well.
Daivd H. Troyer :)

May 14, 2008

School is at an end. We are reviewing this week and we will be taking our exams next week... Half Days!!! :)

Make It Clear Ministries now has a message board.
Please register and check it out when you get a chance.

We are also expecting to have our "Daily Pocket Prayer Reminders"
I am working on a book for Make It Clear as well. Unless someone publishes the children's book, this looks like it will be the next one I publish. I am planning on having it published by the end of the 08-09 school year.

April 16, 2008

My Spring Break was really fun, but way too short. My Spring Break actually started with me working overnight at my weekend job. I got off in the early morning hours and then took a nap. I then had to get up and bring my wife to work; when she got off from work, I picked her up and we left from there.

We then drove the 7 hours or so to my grandparents house and spent until Monday spending time with them and scanning some family photo albums.

We were able to go to the beach on Thursday and I had to work at my weekend job again on Friday, but the other highlight was with the AWANA Bible Quizzing on Saturday. This is an event where the clubbers from our AWANA club can go and compete with the clubbers from other AWANA Clubs by answering questions about the Bible and their handbooks. The first place team in every book gets a metal and anyone who answers all of the individual questions correctly gets a ribbon as well.

After my Saturday morning nap... I went down the road to the church where it was being held and found out that I could have slept for another hour. :( Then I helped out as a Judge and got another really cool pin for helping out. This was my 6th year of helping with the Bible Quizzing.

March 31, 2008

Happy Spring Break! The students are getting restless... They can't wait for spring break, and neither can I.

Sadly, my Busch Garden's Passes expire today. :( Hopefully I'll be able to renew them soon, but we're probably going to get some Disney passes first. (not year passes, although we would love those).

I was able to go to the Renaissance Festival yesterday. That was fun.

March 25, 2008

I hope you had a Happy Easter! On Sunday My wife and I went to visit a church that my family attended probably ten years ago. They had a really nice service. My wife liked the stained glass windows. They are very pretty.

Next weekend, we will be going to the Bay Area Renaissance Festival. We usually attend this whichever weekend we can fit it into our schedules.

Also, it looks like we will be able to go both to Metropolis and to see Dianna's sister get married this summer. I am still trying to decide where to teach or work next year. If I get a good job over the sumer, hopefully I will still be able to go to both of them.

The SAT (Stanford Achievement Test)is being administered this week at the school I am teaching at this year. I'm sure you probably took something like it when you were in school... "I am now going to give you your test booklet... Do not open your test booklet until I tell you to...Continue working on the next few pages until you come to the word STOP at the bottom of the page."

Well, needless to say, it's the first day and the students are already restless... Oh well.
I don't think I've mentioned this before, but I like Latin Phrases. I only know a few, but I hope to learn a few more as time goes on. Perhaps I'll put some of them on a page someday.

Also, I sent my children's book manuscripts out before Christmas and I still have not recieved a response from most of the companies which I sent them to. If you happen to know of an agent who is taking on new clients, or of a publishing house who is looking for some new books, please give me their contact information, or pass mine along to them.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

March 15, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Last weekend I went to Megacon. I really enjoyed it. There were tons of booths to check out, plenty of artists, and a fair amount of people dressed up as their favorite characters as well.

Every time I go to an event like this, it makes me want to put up a page with some of the really cool pictures... perhaps I will someday.

Today I'm off to Busch Gardens with my wife Dianna and sometime in the next month we will be going to the Bay Area Reniassance Festival.

I did a lot of work on the Make It Clear Website over the last few days. We now have an online store. For the month of March, we are throwing in a bonus with every order we receive from our new store.

I have to go for now, Busch Gardens Awaits.

February 19, 2008

I'm feeling a lot better today. I think my cold is almost gone.

I am praying and trying to decide if I should teach at the same school next year. I really like the school and the students... the only problem is the fact that it takes me an hour to get to school and an hour to get home every day (not to mention the $9.00 in gas per day to make that trip).

February 18, 2008

Valentine's Day was a few days ago. My wife and I had a wonderful time at a church activity. We went to The Melting Pot with probably twenty other couples from our church. It fairly pricy, but a very nice restaurant.

I can tell it is the third nine weeks. Some of the students are getting restless. It always seems to happen this time of the year.

I still have nine manuscripts out for review. I have mentioned before that I try to keep ten out at all times. (This is for my Children's book entitled I'd Choose A Fish.

I will be attending Megacon this year in Orlando. I will put the date(s) on my calendar soon. Also, Jason Rawley of Fireblade Comics is planning on shooting another online comic for his website soon. I should be helping with this one as well. If you have not already seen my work, please check out his website at

I have been sick lately, but I will try to add to my blog more often. Also, I will try to finally get my picture page straightened out. I am really excited about this because I have some pictures of myself and my wife with some celebrities that I really want to put on my website.

January 11, 2008

School is back in full swing. After the first week of classes, most of the students are ready to learn. In science, we are studying gemstones metals and in English, we are talking about verbs. The senior class just finished reading MacBeth and the Juniors are almost finished reading Silas Marner.

For Christmas this year, I got a new suit. This will be great for all of those book signings that are sure to come after my next book is published :)

I am still working on several ideas. Of course, I have about 3 children's books which are ready to be printed as soon as I find the right publisher (only one of them has color illustrations... the rest are just text).

I have been focusing my efforts on one of my action/adventure books. Granted, I have several other books started, and I have many more Ideas than I know what to do with sometimes, but this is the book I think I will have the most success with (given the current market).

December 20, 2007

Tomorrow we will have our homeroom Christmas party. One of the grandparents was nice enough to volunteer to bring in a skillet and cook for our class.

December 10, 2007

I am currently writing my exam review worksheets. I have six classes to write them for. The time has been passing fiarly quickly, but I still can't wait for the vacation to come.

I recieved a letter back from another publisher, which means I only have nine query letters out there. When one query letter comes back, I select another publisher to send my manuscript to. This is mostly due to the fact that I only have ten copies of the illustrated manuscript in color.

November 29, 2007

My wife and I are still in Pennsylvania. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving meal and we have already helped to put up the Christmas tree up here. We will be going to church tomorrow and then returning home on Monday.

November 24, 2007

My wife and I are still in Pennsylvania. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving meal and we have already helped to put up the Christmas tree up here. We will be going to church tomorrow and then returning home on Monday.

November 19, 2007

I'll be leaving for Pennsylvania tomorrow morning and I may not be able to write for a week. If I don't write before then, have a Happy Thanksgiving.

November 16, 2007

I'll be leaving for Pennsylvania tomorrow morning and I may not be able to write for a week. If I don't write before then, have a Happy Thanksgiving.

November 15, 2007

Hi, and welcome to my blog. This is my first real entry. I will update this as often as I can. It may be to let you know news about what is happening, or to let you know what I've updated on my site, or perhaps just a few stray thoughts.

Since I put the message on the front page of my website about having professional illustrations for my manuscript, I have been sending out my manuscripts to different publishers in hopes of being published by a large, traditional publishing house.

I sent off 10 Manuscripts(mss) and I have already received four of them back. three said that my book was not for them, and the fourth mss was returned without being opened. (I think they went out of business)... what a waste of stamps.
Today, When I get home from school, I will be sending those four manuscripts back out to different companies. I figure that if I keep sending these mss out, I will eventually find the rigt publishing house.

In case you were wondering, the manuscripts I send out to the publishing houses are in a protective plastic sleeve and they are printed in full color.

September 19, 2007

I now have professional illustrations for one of my children's books. I will be submitting it to publishers soon. Please check back for details.